2012 News Archive




Happy Birthday


  Once again it has been all too long between updates. Brookelyn has had a ultrasound of her kidneys done since last update. She needs to go see a urologist about her kidney reflux. When originally diagnosed with kidney reflux they told us that by age 3 she should have grown out of it and if not she would need artificial kidney valves put in. We have never had a urologist, so at our last appointment with the pediatrician he suggested one to us and ordered an ultrasound so we had something to show when we made our appointment. She has also had a Doppler of the DVT she has in her left leg. She developed the DVT after her central line clotted when she was in the PICU. The Doppler showed the DVT was still there, but has not changed since her last scan. Her minor breakthrough seizures have remained about the same. In April we are supposed to go see her neurologist again, and we believe this time they will be checking the anti seizure medication levels in her blood. They will also check her nutrition panel at the time, because she finally got her new food!! She started on Peptamin Jr. in the beginning of February. It took a while to get it figured out to bill through the insurance. Being the formula costs $1,350 a month for her, it was kind of a necessity to get it to bill through insurance. They sure seem to make you jump through hoops to get that accomplished though. We still need to get the holiday pictures posted, but we need to sort through them first and code the slideshow for the web. We will hopefully be able to get that done soon. And almost as always we hope to be able to post updates soon!

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